New Zealand Speed Management Guide

Screenshot of the New Zealand Transport Agency resources webpage featuring the Speed management guide: Road to Zero edition

At the 2023 TRB Annual Meeting in January, Shane Turner presented to the ACS10 Transportation Safety Management Systems committee, informing them of New Zealand and Australia’s approach to speed management. Dr. Turner, the Technical Director for Safe Systems at Abley (a transportation planning and engineering firm based in New Zealand), discussed updates to the guide […]

Organizational Readiness for the Safe System Approach

Screenshot of Frontiers article published July 2022 "Increasing Readiness to Grow Traffic Safety Culture and Adopt the Safe System Approach"

Montana State University and the Washington Traffic Safety Commission (WTSC) partnered to share their take on readiness for adopting the Safe System Approach and growing safety culture – an initiative where Washington is at the forefront. The article, published in July 2022, shares Washington’s implementation of the approach, and the lessons they’ve learned along the […]