Marketing & Communications

Marketing Toward Zero Deaths (TZD)
A variety of communication tools for the Toward Zero Deaths program are available, and more are under development.
The first step to improving the nation’s traffic safety culture is to establish a TZD vision with key stakeholders. Once adopted by these stakeholders, the National Strategy on Highway Safety will direct the implementation of strategies and tactics that will, in turn, change attitudes and behaviors to reduce traffic fatalities. The TZD Strategic Communication Plan outlines this approach.
Plan & Implement Communications
About the TZD Strategic Communication Plan
The TZD Strategic Communication Plan is a resource to support your efforts in creating a traffic safety culture.
The plan outlines suggested audiences and stakeholders and defines goals, objectives, tactics, timelines, milestones and measurement metrics. The national brand for Toward Zero Deaths is a key component of this document. The intent of the national brand is not to replace current zero-based state campaigns. Rather, it will support current campaigns while providing a consistency for others to develop organizational safety plans.
A mix of communication tools are outlined in the plan, such as webinars, podcasts, other presentations, newsletter articles, press event plans, news release templates, print and broadcast ads, etc. Methods for evaluation are suggested to assist you in evaluating and reporting progress.

Communications Implementation
How-to Guide: Implementing The TZD Strategic Communication Plan
This guide identifies elements of the TZD Strategic Communication Plan vital for promoting adoption and sustainability of the TZD approach at the state and local level. This guide also offers direction for identifying and targeting potential partners and for effectively tailoring communication messages that will motivate partners to implement the TZD strategies. It concludes by discussing how to use ambassadors—individuals who are well trained and armed with an engaging story—to effectively carry the TZD message out into the community to garner support, spark enthusiasm and bolster the ranks among potential partners and the public.

TZD Branding
Toward Zero Deaths Style Guide
The following marketing guidelines should be followed for any marketing effort involving Toward Zero Deaths. This helps build the brand, which raises awareness and recall among stakeholders and the public. Feel free to use the Toward Zero Deaths logos to show your support of this national effort. Two versions of the logo have been created in order to fit the variety of organizations that may or may not already have an aggressive zero-based goal.

TZD Colors

Remembering the lives lost in traffic crashes.

Each person’s individual goal of zero deaths for his or her family and friends. It is the intent that with consistent use of the logo the color combination of yellow and black will become identifiable with TZD over time.
TZD Materials
TZD Philosophy Video

Our vision and our goal is to create a culture where traffic safety is considered in every decision—because even one life lost on our roads is unacceptable. Share this video to share the TZD vision.
What Should Be Our Goal?

We asked people a few questions about traffic safety. Their responses weren’t scripted, but they all said the same thing in the end – Our goal should be zero. Share this video to help people understand the zero-based vision on a personal level.
*Footage courtesy, Nevada DOT
TZD Traffic Safety Presentation

These 11 pre-populated presentation slides will help you show others the TZD vision. Feel free to use and adjust these slides as needed to get managers and colleagues on board with the TZD goal.
Powerpoint for Presentation to Partners and Program Ambassadors
Use this PowerPoint template, created by NCHRP 17-64, to develop a Toward Zero Deaths presentation for use in your program, and for your partners and program ambassadors. See the Communications How-To Guide for additional information.
Traffic Safety Editable Graphics

These five graphics have editable statistics for drowsy driving, drunk driving, aggressive driving, impaired driving, and not buckling up so you can personalize them to your specific area. The file is a PPT, which you should download, open, insert your local data, then save and export as a PDF or as JPGs. Use these graphics on social media or any other medium.
Traffic Safety Non-Editable Statistics

These five graphics are non-editable and in PDF form. These statistics address the same categories found in the editable graphics, but represent the nation as a whole. Download the PDF and use these graphics on social media or any other medium.