A key component of transportation equity is equity in traffic safety. Safety for all road users is essential to meeting the goal of zero traffic fatalities and serious injuries.
Practitioners are developing data-driven approaches to examine and address traffic safety issues through an equity lens. These efforts can result in investments in communities where traffic safety has historically been underfunded. Work in traffic safety equity also creates new opportunities for partnership with stakeholders to improve safety for all road users.
Efforts to apply Safe System Approach principles and measures to improve traffic safety equity often move forward together. Transportation agencies are putting more emphasis in both areas, as demonstrated in case study examples linked below.
Case Studies

Equity and Traffic Safety at Caltrans
CalTrans incorporates equity in transportation throughout the agency and its traffic safety efforts.

Louisiana Safe Routes to Public Places
Louisiana uses a mapping tool, economic and crash data to consider equity in its Safe Routes to Public Places Program.

Reimagining Regional Safety Planning With a Safe System Approach in Arizona
The Maricopa Association of Governments (MAG), the regional planning organization for the greater Phoenix area, has been reimagining how it views regional safety planning through the lens of the Safe System Approach (SSA).
Partner Resources

Road to Zero and Transportation Equity Webinar Series (scroll to 2020)
The Road to Zero Coalition sponsored a multi-webinar series on equity in traffic safety.

GHSA Report on Traffic Fatalities by Race and Ethnicity
GHSA analyzed traffic safety data by race and ethnicity, finding disproportionate impacts among certain groups.