Equity and the Louisiana Safe Routes to Public Places Program

Louisiana DOTD recently added an equity component to its traffic safety Safe Routes project scoring criteria, with encouraging results.
New Resources for Equity, Safe Systems and Traffic Safety

New materials from traffic safety partners are featured: GHSA Addressing the Role of Behavioral Safety in Safe Systems, ITE Case Studies on Implementing the Safe System Approach in the U.S., GHSA Analysis of Traffic Fatalities by Race and Ethnicity, and info from the Traffic Safety Culture Pooled Fund
Engaging Citizens in Traffic Safety Culture

What is traffic safety citizenship? How do you tap into the people in your community most likely to stand up for traffic safety? Learn about this non-traditional approach to traffic safety and find insights in the Pooled Fund research project.
AASHTO and Toward Zero Deaths Join Call for Zero Traffic Deaths by 2050

The American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials (AASHTO) and Toward Zero Deaths (TZD) partnered with Road to Zero Coalition, Vision Zero Network, Families for Safe Streets, and dozens more organizations and individuals by co-signing a letter to President Joe Biden to urge him to commit the efforts of the federal government to achieve […]
TowardZeroDeaths.org has a new look

Welcome to the new and improved TowardZeroDeaths.org and thank you for spending time to learn, improve and share your traffic safety strategies. Toward Zero Deaths: The National Strategy in Highway Safety remains the cornerstone of the website, but with improvements to functionality and navigation across the entire site. The website has been restructured with you […]
TZD Participates in New Road To Zero Coalition to End Roadway Fatalities

In 2016 alone, more than 40,000 people died on U.S. roads, a number that saw a 6 percent increase from 2015 and a 14 percent increase from 2014, according to the National Safety Council. This increase is the highest in more than five decades. On top of that, more than 4.5 million motor vehicle injuries […]
Share Our PSA Video—It Could Save a Life

The Toward Zero Deaths (TZD) PSA, Moving Toward Zero, helps communicate the mission of TZD and how we must all work together to get to zero. We see a tragic number of traffic fatalities on our nation’s roadways. Many are working to reduce that number. How do we move Toward Zero Deaths? Zero is not […]
Making Safe Behavior the Only Choice Through Infrastructure Management

The success of many Toward Zero Deaths National Strategies rely on our infrastructure. Even simple innovations in the way we design and build our roadways can lead to safer conditions for pedestrians, cyclists and motorists. One of the most simplistic examples of the way infrastructure interacts with another safety emphasis area is speed management. Specifically, […]
Only Together Can We Move Toward Zero Deaths

Welcome Thank you for joining the Toward Zero Deaths (TZD) initiative. Every year, traffic crashes claim the lives of more than 32,000 people in the United States–that’s 32,000 people taken from their family and friends. And despite the efforts of thousands of people working nationwide to make our roadways safer, traffic fatalities are still on […]
Transportation Industry Aims for Zero Deaths on U.S. Roads Releases National Strategy on Highway Safety

The National Strategy on Highway Safety, called Toward Zero Deaths (TZD) was officially rolled out today nationwide. The TZD plan provides countermeasures in education, engineering, enforcement and emergency medical services (EMS) for organizations, businesses and individuals to reduce deaths on our roadways from over 33,000 each year to zero. “The philosophy behind Toward Zero Deaths […]