This is a safety campaign initiated by Louisiana DOTD in partnership with the Louisiana SHSP Communications Coordinating Council (members comprised of the Public Affairs Division of the LA State Police, reps from LA Highway Safety Commisison, staff of LA Center for Transportation Safety, communication staff of the LA Transportation Research Center, the Communications Team of DOTD, and the regional coordinators from the nine Regional Transportation Safety Coalitions) to highlight the benefits and safety tips on navigating a roundabout. This campaign supports the SHSP’s vision of reaching Destination Zero Deaths. DOTD has partnered with Louisiana Radio Network and Louisiana Broadcasters Association to air the PSAs at 15,000 times over various radio and TV stations. To help Louisiana reach zero deaths, residents are encouraged to share campaign materials with family and friends. In addition to PSAs, the regional coalitions helped spread the word through their respective social media pages, using the hashtag #RoundaboutSafetyLA. For more information about this campaign, visit and click on “Share our Marketing Materials,” then Roundabout.