October 17-19, 2023
Kansas City, Missouri
The AASHTO Safety Summit and joint meeting of the Committee on Safety, Council on Active Transportation, and Committee on Planning is set for this October 17-19 in Kansas City, Missouri. The summit will bring together transportation leaders and practitioners to discuss expanding safety efforts across state departments of transportation.
At the AASHTO Safety Summit, we’ll explore safety integration throughout state DOT functions and project life cycle. We’ll discuss examples from planning, design, construction, operations, and maintenance. We’ll discuss safety for all road users, the Safe System Approach, performance management, and common challenges. The summit will result in an action plan for AASHTO to help states and other agencies further apply Safe System principles throughout the project lifecycle.
The joint meeting of the Committee on Safety, Council on Active Transportation, and Committee on Planning will build upon the summit discussions and delve deeper into shared topics of interest.
With over 200 participants expected, this dynamic and diverse forum will welcome state DOT leaders, AASHTO committee members, USDOT representatives, consultants, and more. Your participation is vital to foster meaningful discussions and explore innovative approaches to safety integration.